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The Old Village house with traditional bread oven, courtyard and grapevine.

Guest Reviews

Courtyard with Village Bread Oven

Our Record

The record is held by one family who have now been 14 times!

40% of all families who have stayed at the Villa Iptamena have done so more than once*.

* Details available on request

Recent Reviews
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Review 1.jpg
Oranges, grapefruit and Mandarins
Other Reviews:-
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Cyprus fruit and wine
TripAdviser reviews 2.png
TripAdvisor 5 star rating
Visitors Book

Our Visitors Book

Review - detailed information
Review - Cypriot wine
Review - a second home
Review - Cyprus village wedding
Review - well equipped home envirnment
Review - Restaurants and bars
Review - return visitor
Review - Cyprus village wedding
Review - restaurants and bars
Review - large bed
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